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September 20.09.2019 and 6 PM
Erik Smith I - III
As part of the Series
ACIINTT– slow listening berlin
at CHANGING ROOM on Friday, September 20, 2019 from 9pm to midnight: ACIINTT – slow listening berlin, a live three-hour “decelerated listening” session. For the performance, Smith live mixed Orpheus in the Underworld 78s with techno and electronica records on six turntables modified to play at drastically reduced speeds. The turntables form the central sonic component to his Berlin-based, urban-archaeological project Titanic (2013-2019) exploring the evolution of a site in Mitte, the location in the nineteenth century of a theater renowned for its performances of Jacques Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld, a sprawling underground bunker during WW2, and the four-star Titanic hotel today. Listeners were invited to come and stay for the duration of the performance or drop in as they please. Lights were off and floor mats were provided to facilitate extended listening.
at Kunstpunkt
as part of ”re-space”
Netzwerke freier Berliner
Projekträume und -initiativen,
Schlegelstrasse 6, 10115 Berlin
AABBCCDVcenters on the 2012 demolition of a Miami FL arts building and former home to DimensionsVariable (DV), an artist-run project space that was forced to vacate the premises to make way for new development. Smith’s work presented for (re)space as a model of CHANGING ROOM is the third iteration of a scale suburban house found inside the DV building prior to demolition. Recreated as a floor work, the footprint of the house has been cut out of the surfaces of the plot and its rubber top layer compressed to fit the overall 1x1 m dimensions. Combined with the 12” record edition of the DV building’s demolition, the work juxtaposes the disintegration of the suburban model with the destruction of the arts building, setting up oppositions of presence/absence, support/collapse, weightiness/dematerialization.
Artist Talk
September 28th, starts 4pm
at Changing Room
Erik Smith (b. Boston US, lives and works in Berlin) studied visual art and comparative literature in the US and Italy before moving to Berlin, Germany in 2003. Solo exhibitions include Errant Sound, Berlin; Counterpath, Denver; FRAGMENTA/Valletta 2018, Malta; Locus Solus, de Appel Contemporary Arts Centre, Amsterdam NL; Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Berlin; DimensionsVariable, Miami FL; Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA. His work has also been shown in numerous group exhibitions internationally including SculptureCenter, LIC, NY; BBB centre d’art, Toulouse, FR; Arsenic, Lausanne CH; Pierogi, Leipzig; Kunstpunkt, Berlin.
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