28 June 2023, 6 - 10pm
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
Nellie King Solomon
Daniela Soberman
An exhibition and
a Performative Painting Session
+ a casual Artists Talk over drinks
open till the 1st of July by appointment
at danielasoberman@yahoo.com
or nelliekingsolomon@icloud.com
6 pm
7:30 pm
Perfromative Painting Session
by Nellie King Solomon
8:00 pm
Casual Artists Talk + a Q&A over drinks
What was Mercurochrome,
Will now be Pours.
12 Strips Pours.
Made On-Site.
Bent for the changes of the Changing Room.
Mercurochrome; as an antiquated illegal toxic healing ointment for its antiseptic quality, beyond a color in fluorescent orange-pink. As an elixir. On bodies. On Spaces. On Nations. On Relations. As Drips. As Strips. As Band-Aids.
As 12 Icicle Drawing Pours.
As Enormous Changes at the Last Minute.
10 Pours made:
On-Site before the exhibition. (presented in space)
2 Pours made:
On-Sight during the exhibition. (performative painting at the opening)
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute, because shipping big heroic American capitalist art through customs, made no sense. Stressful and not fun. Let’s bring raw materials and make it there.
In Berlin artists are encouraged, and encouraged me, to work performatively. I’m excited to embrace that.
In Berlin, artists receive stipends from their government. In America artists seek their self-worth within capitalism. We cannot pretend that the political landscapes left over from World War II do not shape our art practices.
This exhibition is the second half of a Los Angeles - Berlin art exchange (B-LA exchange). The cross-pollination of the aftermath of our differences, and the innate curiosity that we have for one another, that attraction we have for one another’s drive that comes from a very different place within ourselves.