March 7, 2020 at 12 - 6 PM
Quiet Riot!
International Women's Day with Authenticity & Storytelling
On the day leading up to the International Women's Day 2020 we presented Quiet Riot!, an event by Night School Berlin x „Music B Women“- art.business.media.
We celebrated into International Womxn’s Day by having two workshops for mind & body... and perhaps a little bit of soul.
We celebrated ALL womxn, trans and non-binary, QTBiPoc + our true authentic creative selves and the stories we all carry with us.
Workshop #1: Could Authenticity Be Your Superpower?
by Katrin Hahner
Workshop #2: Sleeping Voices: Awakening The Lost *Sleeping Voices by Candice Nembhard.
Workshop #1: 12 - 15 Uhr
”Could Authenticity Be Your Superpower?” Could curiosity, wonder and authenticity be our strongest allies to create a healthy and sustainable life?
Our authenticity is our foundation for good physical and mental health, successful creativity and fulfillment in life as a musician / artist and as a person in general. At the core of this workshop were physical exercises, mindfulness practices, clarification of terms, information about your basic values and their inclusion and protection as well as their integration in all areas of our life.
Workshop leader:
Katrin Hahner a.k.a Kenichi & the Sun is a composer, producer and visual artist whose interests include electronic improvisation and art performance. She began her education at drama school, before completing a Master in Fine Arts, and since then has clocked up years of experience as a songwriter, visual artist, performer and touring musician. She has been awarded a Musicboard scholarship in 2019. She released her video Splendor on Feb 13th, 2020.
Workshop #2: 16 - 18 Uhr
Sleeping Voices: Awakening The Lost *
Sleeping Voices, was a storytelling-in-verse workshop by Candice Nembhard. It was aimed at relocating hidden narratives within. We all have stories to tell, more often than not we are limited by the tools in which we can express ourselves. Using sound, the body, and communal engagement, the workshop facilitated a collective reawakening of buried voices to reimagine the self as an orator.
Workshop leader:
Candice Nembhard is a writer, editor, poet, interdisciplinary artist, curator, and archivist based in Berlin. She is the founder and curator of the ALL FRUITS RIPE event series, founder of *The Black Borough archive*, co-founder of the creative consulting agency Poet & Prophetess, and co-curator of The R.A.P Party Berlin. Through sound, performance, spoken word, and movement, she examines traditional forms of storytelling and critical thinking. okcandice.com
NIGHT SCHOOL is an event series based on discourse, live performance and networking. Their mission is to support marginalized female-identfying, trans and non-binary artists and activists in Berlin’s independent music scene. Using an Intersectional feminist perspective, we invited innovators and artists to explore relevant topics - peer to peer, connect musicians to industry experts, offer collaboration opportunities, and elevate visibility with live shows. Our goal is to bring the music community closer towards equality and diversity, therefore establishing a platform that brings continuity and a Do-it-Together ethic in one space where we can strengthen the next generation.
Find out more about NIGHT SCHOOL here