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Music from other species“ 



00:00 / 47:30

Simon Faithfull  and Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez discuss how Faithfull's efforts to embody the landscape can act as a lens through which we might see ourselves.

In Conversation with Nature

Simon Faithfull


Re: Empathy The Nature

Performance by

Stella Geppert

Embodied sounds and vital organs serve as the starting point to engage with other beings and landscapes. By situating herself within her organs, Stella allows the inside of the body to come into communicate with the outside. 

17 December at 8pm

00:00 / 32:16


Stella Geppert  shares how she builds empathies between the body and nature through her artistic practice and, more specifically, in her upcoming performance "Sounds for the Organs".

In Conversation with Nature

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We invite you

to a musical

dinner crafted

by the Mani collective. ⁠

On the 28th/30th of November from 19th to 22h

Additional Date!!!

30th of November from 19h to 22h 28th is Booked Out!



'Chronicles of Extinction'

by Kirsten Palz

17 November 2022, 7pm

 Skin, leaf, flower, plumage, bone structure, extremities, fur and the like are extracted and displayed. This detailed look at elements of extinct animals and plants underlines the loss of a differentiated part of the living world.


Join us for a Kaipen making workshop in the temporary seaweed lab!
on friday afternoon 11. nov 4pm-8pm

and a tasting happening on

saturday 12th of nov. from 6pm

(Kaipen is a Laotian riverweed chip

made using the traditional paper-making technique)

Free of charge and no reservations required!


As part of the Algae Paper project, a series of artistic researches conducted for several years around seaweed and its environment, Julien Villaret and Julie Sorel present Green Schöpf,

a workshop inspired by the culinary culture of Laos, artisanal paper-making, and the art of ceramics.

abigal podcast

 - a podcast series 

artists, their work and the thinking behind the work, which focuses on the relationship of humans to animals and plants and their interconnectedness, as well as on issues such as empathy, coexistence with other living beings, the environment, the climate crisis, animal song and culture

In Conversation with Nature

00:00 / 22:08


Abigail Sanders  talk's about her working process and give insights into the research background and inspiration behind "Sounding Whales".

00:00 / 27:23


Irene TrejoInter/transdisciplinary poet and artist focuses on ecosomatic research around the limits of bodies as well as of identity, poetry, space-time, and different disciplines and processes of

creation. She talks in the podcast about her latest project "Fluid Ecotonalism" in which she collaborates with Mauricio Silva Orendain.


Chanting of the Last Days

Audio recordings and vinyl records of dolphins and frogs from the media archive of Tim Tetzner 


Is recording the voice of an animal a gain or a loss? Conservationists and zoologists would say both. But have field recordings and behavioural studies helped to move one step further into the mysterious realm of interspecies communication? At this point, not really. Or did all those studies and explorations prepare for an upcoming CETI / Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence event as Laurance Doyle proposed? Possibly we will know better in the near future. But for now - in the dawn of the last days - we had better remain indifferent ... But wasn't it John C. Lilly - the High Priest of Samadhi Level 3 and spokesman for the Dolphin Spirit himself - who first locked the Dolphin's voice into a vinyl groove? And can Mr. Lilly be held responsible - or does it primarily take a US court to recognise the animal as a legal person, as happened on 31 July 2020 in the Southern District of Ohio? 


(Text and images by Tim Tetzner)

listening at CR 

Coinciding with

More-than-human: Music from other species

we will present different collections of records of people about plants and animals.

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Hunting Music:

New music for animal calling instruments
composition and concert 

by Lukatoyboy

2-days workshop 24/25 Sep. 2pm-6pm

and concert on the 29th Sep. 8pm

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Fluid Ecotonalism is a collaborative transdisciplinary, practical, and poetic proposal that aims to empathize with bodies of water that are also considered ecotones – spaces of transition from one ecosystem to another. The project is an ongoing process and research that takes the form of an ecosomatic workshop carried out in conjunction with bodies of water, from which results derive into different translations that are finally integrated through sound.



We invite you to join us on 7th and 8th of May to welcome the composer and performer, Abigail Sanders, with her musical performance and accompanying talk, "Sounding Whales”.

"Sounding Whales" is a project that explores the song of the humpback whale with the help of the French Horn. At Changing Room, Abigail Sanders will present her work in the form of a concert and talk. 


Saturday, May 7th at 7 pm

Sunday, May 8th at 4 pm

Free entry

There will be an opportunity to donate to the non-profit whale research and conservation organization, Ocean Alliance, founded by Dr. Roger Payne.


For the protection of all present, we ask you to wear a medical mask.

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